This is where we share our favourite meal planning resources to help you get organized for healthy eating and stop the struggle with solving the what’s for dinner challenge.
Too Busy To Eat Well
This guide reveals how easy it is to get healthy, have more energy and feel great by getting back to basics and simplify dinner time, save dollars and all that mental energy tied up with Solving the What’s for Dinner Challenge! More..
Meal Planning Personality ® Guide
Complete the Meal Planning Personality® Quiz to see which Guide is for you. Our 45 Page Meal Planning Personality ® Profile is your ultimate Guide to Solving the What’s for Dinner Challenge. Click here to take the quiz.
Additive Alert: Your Guide to Safer Shopping (fully revised 3rd edition)
Additive Alert: Your Guide to Safer Shopping (fully revised 3rd edition) is the 178 page Australian Best Seller written by Perth Mum Julie Eady explains clearly and simply which food additives are linked to health problems and how easy it is to avoid them in your shopping. More..
Meal Planning for Low Additive Eating
This online self-paced program is perfect for busy women who want help to navigate the jungle that is food additives and feel more organised with meal planning. More…
Need one on one help to learn how to meal plan, make healthy eating easy with a healthy kitchen makeover? I’m a Home Economist and Additive Alert Community Talks Presenter and I deliver all these sessions via skype or in person, depending on your location.
Coming Soon:
Get Organised for Weight Loss Online Program
One of the proven techniques for losing weight is getting organised. This program helps you shed light on the organising and thinking errors that are stopping you. We kick the 8 week program off with a questionnaire and a one-on one consultation to get you in the right headspace.