Have you ever wondered if eating organic food is really worth the expense? There is a lot of research you can google – it will often tell you there is no difference between the “nutritional” profile of the fruit and vegetables.
For me that isn’t the reason why I eat organic (where I can). For me it is about decreasing the chemicals and toxins that are absorbed into my body. I did not realise until watching this video just how much of a chemical load we have! This video shows what happens when a family that usually doesn’t eat organic food suddenly starts. I was actually shocked to discover the chemical load we are carrying!
The video was produced by The Swedish Environmental Institute following a report they commissioned. They wanted to know more about what happens in the body when you switch from ‘conventional’ food to ‘organic’ food.
It only takes 90 seconds!!
Learn more here: https://www.coop.se/organiceffect
Anyone that has been to a food additives talk might know that I used to work in the area of occupational health and safety. One of the occupations who know the impact on your health of pesticides is farmers. There is a growing body of research that says farmers, who come into contact with these compounds have higher rates of cancer, and more recently depression (http://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/1307450).
Where you can prioritise your food dollar by looking at which foods are worth buying organic and which are ok to buy conventional. Check out this post here for more information:
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