What’s food got to do with it?

September 6, 2013

Does your child have erratic or moody behaviour?

Do they have difficulty focusing or struggle at school?

With growing rates of learning difficulties, behaviour challenges, food intolerances, autism/ADHD and asthma, parents around the world are turning to food with great results.

I’m delighted to let you know I’ve teamed up with 3 amazing women to bring you an event that  will share what’s happening to today’s kids and what you CAN do about it from a food, learning and practical perspective!

It’s on Wednesday 9th October at the Gold Coast from 7pm – 9pm.

We’ve created a brilliant program based on our areas of expertise:

Kris Barrett

Holistic Health Coach Kris Barrett from Nourish Me will delve into what’s happening to our kids.  Why are there so many behavioural and learning problems and allergies these days? She’ll show you WHY food affects your child’s learning and behaviour and give you a recipe for raising a happy, healthy child.

Me !  (Louise D’Allura) 

Louise D'AlluraHome Economist and Additive Alert Community Talks Presenter Louise D’Allura from Meal Planning Your Way will help you identify which food additives are linked with learning, health and behaviour problems and how to shop smarter, avoid harmful additives.


Kerry Whitney

Founder of Literate Kids and teacher, Kerry Whitney will explain some of the reasons why your children are having difficulties with their learning and show you ways that you can help them. She will also tackle the dreaded issue of Homework.


Jess Zutt

Busy working mum and food blogger from Cooking4K, Jess Zutt has two kids, the youngest suffering from severe food intolerances to gluten, grains, colourings and preservatives. Jess will share her story with some tips and recipe ideas for cooking from scratch in a busy household.


So as you can see – it is a pretty packed program – filled with lots of great information and support to help you along the way!

To book click here

Grab the flyer: What’s Food Got to Do With It? Gold Coast Event

This event is being held at the Gold Coast.  We are hoping it gets a great response so we can take it on the road next year!

Louise xx

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